On March 12 and 14, dozens of local non-profit and municipal organizations were able to absorb a full slate of information in order to best prepare for a successful grant application process.
Grants for the following funding streams are now open!
Youth Development Programs (YDP): Grants will be awarded to programs for youth up to age 21 that provide free, direct services designed to improve youth and community outcomes, as outlined in the OCFS-5003 Program Components-Coding Document, Rev. 3/2018. Programs must address one of the New York State Office of Children and Family Services’ six life areas, which are: Economic Security, Physical and Emotional Health, Education, Citizenship/Civic Engagement, Family, and Community.
Youth Sports and Education Opportunity Funding (YSEF): Grants will be awarded to programs that serve youth under age 18 and aim to foster educational connections and achievement; physical health and well-being; mental health and well-being; employment; and/or community cohesion.
Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY): RHY services are grounded in the Positive Youth Development framework and focus on supporting and developing healthy relationships to enhance youths’ existing strengths and resiliency, while incorporating youth voice and leadership into programming. Residential RHY crisis services programs are certified by OCFS to provide temporary shelter to runaway and homeless youth under age 18. The goal of RHY crisis services programs is to support a safe reunification of youth with their guardians, where appropriate.