Watch Out For Me Campaign
Watch Out For Me is a traffic safety campaign to educate the public and promote safe driving, walking, and bicycling. It includes videos, outreach materials (brochure, online quiz, posters), educational programs, and traffic safety messages on Dutchess County buses and bus stop shelters.
These videos, written by and starring City of Poughkeepsie youth, were produced by Forge Media and developed for Dutchess County’s ‘Watch Out For Me’ safety campaign are now available on the website: (click on the ‘Watch Out For Me campaign’ button).
There are a total of 12 short videos on topics including crossing the street safely, sharing the road with people walking and bicycling, visibility, distraction, and crossing behind County buses.
The campaign is part of Dutchess County’s Complete Streets initiative and was developed by the County’s Complete Streets Committee with funding from the NYS Governors Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC) and Dutchess County Transportation Council.
Watch Out For Me Campaign Materials
Videos (developed by Forge Media)
- Full-length videos (1 to 2.5 minutes): YouTube playlist
- New! YouTube Shorts
Brochure: Street Safety Tips (English/Spanish)
Quiz: Street Safety