2021 Youth Development Programs
Every year, the Dutchess County Division of Youth Services administers funds for the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (NYSOCFS). We are pleased to announce that $184,800 was recently awarded to 19 local organizations.
Beekman Library — “Y.E.S.” Youth Empowerment through Service
High school age teens will contribute to their community and gain leadership skills by acting as library volunteers. Teens will be trained for all volunteer positions and will become volunteer members of the library staff at Beekman Library.
City of Beacon — The Beacon Pool Swim Academy
The Beacon Pool Swim Academy is held at the City of Beacon’s Beacon Pool running for 8 weeks, as four 2 weeks sessions. The Swim Academy will provide youth with the skills to be safe around water and evaluate and improve on the current swim abilities of the youth involved in the program.
Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County — Green Teen Community Gardening Program
The Beacon-based Green Teen Community Gardening Program will provide intensive and potentially life-changing vocational workforce development experience. Through employment, the youth are immersed in farming and gardening activities which provides them with hands-on career and workforce skills development supplemented by education in subjects such as communication, financial literacy, resume writing, nutrition, and social justice.
Dutchess Community College — DCC Cares
The DCC Cares program will provide postsecondary education dropout prevention and increase the retention and graduation rates of Dutchess County students between 18 and 21 years old, who are at risk, including economically disadvantaged, first generation, and underrepresented minorities.
Family Services — Teen Resource Activity Center (TRAC)
TRAC offers a supervised place for youth to come afterschool at the Family Partnership Center. Participants play sports, engage in performing arts through theater music, and podcasting, receive academic support, participate in pro social/emotional workshops, eat a nutritious dinner, and relax with friends while gaining exposure to positive adult role models.
Finish Strong Wellness Center — PK Strong!
PK Strong! is a trauma-informed program that utilizes evidence-based practices to increase physical, mental, emotional, and relational wellness in youth and young adults of color residing in the City of Poughkeepsie. Program components include non-contact boxing and healthy lifestyle education; mental health support and social emotional skill building; academic tutoring and career readiness preparation; mentoring and peer support; case management and family support; and community engagement.
Hudson River Housing — HRH Youth Enrichment Program
HRH Youth Enrichment Program provides a multi-dimensional array of year-round activities and workshops to promote physical and emotional wellness, improve their ability to form healthy relationships, build character and confidence, and create a deeper appreciation of their local community through visits to parks, museums, galleries, colleges, libraries and art/music activities for Dutchess County’s most vulnerable at-risk youth.
Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue — “HAY” Horses And You
“HAY” Horses And You is a career readiness summer program. Participants will complete a 5-week program with a written test and skills practical, as well as being added into an international registry of certified horse handlers.
Northeast Community Council, Inc. — Community Partnership with Schools and Businesses (Teen Jobs)
Community Partnership with Schools and Businesses is a workforce development program for high-school youth at the Northeast Community Center in Millerton. Youth between the ages of 14-20 participate in paid internships at local businesses and organizations, where they are trained and mentored by adult employees.
Poughkeepsie Farm Project — Green Jobs for Youth
The Poughkeepsie Farm Project has three main objectives: 1) prepare youth ages 16-20 for careers in farming, gardening and food education; 2) increase local economic and food security; and 3) support youth in job searches and placement by connecting them with potential employers. This project takes place at an outdoor farm classroom where 24 young people will grow, harvest, and distribute food within their community.
R.E.A.L. Skills Network, Inc. — Peer Mentors
R.E.A.L. Skills Network, Inc. offers low income teens in the City of Poughkeepsie a safe afterschool program, an opportunity to learn life skills through positive interactions with adults’ mentors, and subsequently mentor young children. The program works with community partners to offer 6 activity blocks during the school year; 1) Anti-Violence; 2) Mediation Skills; 3) Babysitting; 4) CPR; 5) Health Topics; 6) Jobs and Academic Skills.
Red Hook Community Center — RHCC Teen Groups
Red Hook Community Center Teen Groups serve middle school and high school youth ages 11-17 who reside in Northern Dutchess County. Meetings are held at the Red Hook Community Center during after school hours. Youth engage in positive peer and staff interactions by participating in organized community service, recreation, and life skills learning activities.
Red Hook Public Library — Kramer’s Vly: A Teen Empowerment Project
Kramer’s Vly is a teen planned, teen-run program focusing on gaming, studying, food, tutoring, and teach help. This program creates teen-only time in the library and engages youth to work together on decision making, budgets, and making rules.
The Art Effect — Spark Studios
Spark Studios provides underserved teens (ages 14-19) with paid work experiences and a safe space outside of school where they can build positive relationships, engage in creative activities that encourage independence, and gain workforce and life skills. Teen participants use media and video to produce community projects with local partners, gaining technical training in video production as well as general workforce training such as financial literacy, teamwork, time management, schedule creation, and effective communication.
The Chamber Foundation, Inc. — Summer Tech Academy
Summer Tech Academy is a 3-week intensive technology program for Dutchess County youth ages 16-21. Program activities focus on introductory coding skills, computer aided design, and 3D printing.
Town of Beekman Recreation — Teen Leadership Council
The Teen Leadership Council has weekly workshops facilitated by two Teen Advisors trained in Positive Youth Development. The teens meet to conduct activities, events, and service projects that they plan, including a team building leadership camp weekend.
Town of East Fishkill Police Department — Too Good for Drugs
Too Good for Drugs is a Middle School based drug prevention program designed to reduce students’ intention to use alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs, while promoting pro-social attitudes, skills, and behaviors. The program seeks to build the self-confidence of students, so they are better prepared to make healthy choices and achieve success.
Town of Hyde Park — Learn to Swim Program
The Learn to Swim Program will provide youth the opportunity to achieve a life-long skill through the instruction of certified American Red Cross Swimming Lesson staff. The program will not only provide them the opportunity to learn to swim but also physical exercise in a fun, safe and positive environment.
Town of Red Hook — Town of Red Hook Recreation
The Town of Red Hook offers 20+ different recreational programs to the youth who live within the boundaries of the Red Hook Central School District. The Recreation Commission offers youth the opportunity to participate in community service projects.